Tag Archives: Coronavirus

Best Ways to Send Fear Packing

Beautiful cloudy sky

Photo by Faisal Ahmad

Here in the States, fear and anxiety are as surely in the air as coronavirus-laced respiratory droplets.

Last night I googled “anxiety solutions” to see what the major mental health outlets are suggesting we do about this. In addition to cognitive behavioral therapy and meds, most suggest eight, ten, or fifteen (etc.) other things you could do. These include everything from deep breathing and meditation to hanging out with pets and diffusing lavender oil.

This is all fine and good. However, conspicuously missing from practically all of these lists are two deep-acting, self-help, energy strategies. Each has numerous clinical studies to support its efficacy, meaning they deserve our attention right now. They are

  • Emotional Freedom Technique (over a hundred peer-reviewed studies confirm its efficacy)

  • Techniques created by the HeartMath Institute (over three hundred peer-reviewed and independent studies support their efficacy)

Fear and anxiety badly interfere with your immune system’s ability to stave off all kinds of illnesses, including Covid-19.  At least to avoid disease, it is very important to release these nasty emotions as quickly and reliably as possible.  Here is some information about those two ignored tool sets, for your consideration.

1. EFT

EFT is a clinically proven energy tool to use whenever any troublesome emotion strikes. It basically combines three elements: a triggering statement (e.g., “Even though I feel terrified about losing my job”), a statement of affirmation (e.g., “I deeply and completely love and accept myself”), and tapping on an easy-to-learn circuit of seven or eight acupressure points. It is as effective as it is simple. If you are like the majority of people, you will find relief for many problems after just a few rounds of this combination.

Though you may feel silly performing EFT on yourself at first (as I certainly did!), the astonishing results may cause you to forget this feeling very quickly. With a little skill, you will find yourself able to drain off and even eliminate negative emotions practically on the spot. For really difficult, entrenched problems you can always consult an expert. (I go to Marian Buck Murray online for those kinds of problems, and I highly recommend her.)

The tapping community is very generous and there are many free resources available for EFT online. For starters:

Get a free copy of The EFT Tapping Mini-Manual

Take a free introductory course geared toward professionals by one of the masters

Either link will put you on the EFTUniverse site, which is loaded with resources of many kinds.

2. HeartMath

The HeartMath Institute has been researching the psychophysiology of emotions, and the interactions of heart and brain, for decades. To help people strained by our current circumstances, the Institute is currently offering a beautifully produced introductory video, including instructions for five of their basic techniques, for free.

To create the healthful habits of heart and mind that deter anxiety and fear, HeartMath suggests practicing their methods for six weeks. While HeartMath techniques may not produce the instantaneous results often seen with EFT, I would wager that they settle into the system no less quickly than CBT or meds.  Given the amount of time it took many of us to become the anxiety-prone people we are, it seems to me that timeline is nothing short of miraculous!

Even more importantly, HeartMath aims to help people live a heart-centered life: fulfilling, passionate, compassionate, joyful, loving. These emotions can’t but heal the fragmentation that has torn us apart, both individually and collectively. Alongside this powerful cast of positive emotions, fear and anxiety can settle into the bit parts they were actually meant to play.

If you don’t have your own tried-and-true techniques for alleviating negative emotions, I hope you will consider one or both of these amazing resources for that role. Their benefits are likely to go way beyond supporting your immune system.